The practice offers psychotherapy and other therapeutic and healing services to
college students, young adults and adults age 21 - 80.
Dr. McGlynn is a popular and dynamic presenter who is widely sought after to provide workshops
on holistic recovery from cancer and chronic illness, mindfulness-based stress reduction and
relaxation training. She also travels throughout the United States offering
daylong and weekend holotropic breathwork workshops to groups, organizations and businesses.
Please contact Dr. McGlynn at (610) 248 - 6907 or to schedule an appointment
or book a workshop for your group, organization or business.
Meet Our Director,
Dr. Laurane McGlynn
A Healing Space
An Integrative Medicine and Wellness Center
Wholeness ∞ Awareness ∞ Energy ∞ Transformation ∞ Connection
Hello and welcome to our center.
My name is Dr. Laurane McGlynn and I am the Clinical Director for the practice.
I have devoted the past 25 years working as a clinical psychologist helping and
supporting others who have been managing psychological and medical issues.
I specialize in working with individuals with chronic medical illnesses
and cancer but my work spans the whole spectrum of human experience.
The Center offers individual and group psychotherapy, naturopathic medicine,
holotropic breathwork, past-life regression therapy, meditation and mindfulness
training, massage therapy, Reiki, spiritual guidance, support for
spiritual emergency, yoga, daylong workshops, weekend retreats, and art
and movement therapies by licensed practitioners.
Our team provide services to individuals with psychological
issues, cancer, medical illnesses, life transitions, existential concerns,
relationship challenge and spiritual emergency.
I would like to share why I feel passionate about my work.
I believe that meditation, mindfulness, naturopathic medicine
and other complementary and alternative treatments can be a
catalyst for deep healing and transformation.
Over the past 15 years, I have continued to explore and
integrate holistic treatments, mind/body medicine,
the healing potential of hope, reaching out for support
and engaging in contemplative practice into my life
and they are the foundation of my
therapeutic approach in working with others.
I have devoted my work to helping others who are just
beginning their journey of healing. I consider it an honor to
witness the whole spectrum of human experience in a
non-judgmental, compassionate and supportive way.
Being a part of a person's healing journey is an experience
that words cannot convey. I take that responsibility as a
deep commitment that feels important and meaningful to me.
"I set an intention to be mindful in my work,
upholding the highest standard of care,
knowing that I am privileged
to have helping others as a profession,"
Dr. Laurane McGlynn